Academic Qualifications
- MBBS (Hons), Monash University - FRACS (Fellow of the Royal Austrasian College of Surgeons) - (Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery) - American Head and Neck Society Fellowship Diploma - PhD, University of Melbourne Post-Fellowship Training - Clinical Fellow- Head and Neck Surgery - Princess Margaret Cancer Centre - Toronto General Hospital The clinical fellowship program at the University of Toronto is accredited by the American Head and Neck Society for post-fellowship training. Two years dedicated to Head and Neck cancer surgery, thyroid surgery, endoscopic skull base surgery and microvascular reconstructive surgery. - Guided Therapeutics Research Fellow - University of Toronto |
Current Appointments
- Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Surgery - The University of Melbourne - Chair, Epworth Hospital Head and Neck Cancer Service - Director, Head of Unit (ENT, Head and Neck Surgery) - St Vincents Hospital, Melbourne - Director, Pinnacle Surgery, Epworth Richmond - Adjunct Research Fellow, Swinburne Univerisity Awards and Scholarships - Foundation for Surgery Research Scholarship - (Royal Australasian College of Surgeons) 2012 - Morgan Travelling Scholar - (Royal Australasian College of Surgeons) 2011 - DS Rosengarten Surgical Research Prize _ (Department of Surgery, Monash University) 2004 PhD Research - Title: Optimising real-time surgical navigation interface design: enhancing spatial awareness while limiting distraction. - Supervisors: Professor Peter Choong, A/Prof Bernard Lyons, Professor Jonathan Irish - Confirmation Report and Presentation- January 2012 - Confirmation of PhD candidature April 30, 2012 - Completed February 2017 Research - For a full list of published manuscripts, book chapters, oral and poster presentation at international meetings please view the research page. |