Skull base surgery
The junction between the brain and facial structures is a complex area with many important structures including major nerves, blood vessels and the eyes. Tumours within the nasal cavity can extend into or lie adjacent to the brain cavity. Traditionally, major incisions and removal of part of the skull was required to treat these tumours. Appropriately selected tumours can now be treated through the nose, with no external cuts. Tumours within the brain cavity can also be accessed via the nose with excellent access and visualisation. An endoscope is used to see inside the nose and image-guidance systems can assist with surgical navigation in real-time. |
Endoscopic Surgery
Prof Dixon performs endoscopic skull base surgery with Neurosurgeon, Mr Ian Wang. Conditions referred to Mr Wang that are treated with combined surgery with Prof Dixon include: - Pituitary tumours - Meningioma - Craniopharyngioma - Clival chordoma - Epidermoid cysts - CSF leak Conditions referred to Prof Dixon that are treated with combined surgery with Mr Wang are: - Sinonasal tumours including - Adenocarcinoma - Squamous cell carcinoma - Olfactory neuroblastoma (esthesioneuroblastoma) - Sinonasal undifferentiated carcinoma (SNUC) -Inverted papilloma - CSF leak |